Olivier Schatz

Olivier Schatz

Senior Advisor, Benelux - Priscus Finance

Sectorial expertise :

Asset Management

Geographic expertise :

France Luxembourg

Biography :

After a holding a position at the Ministry of Agriculture, Olivier began his banking career as head of the agri-food sector at Crédit National. He then joined Natixis, where he successively held the following positions: General Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Capital Markets, Head of CIB, General Manager, Head of America. Olivier then helped set up the corporate and local authority activities of La Banque Postale. After retiring from his responsibilities as Senior Advisor at Advisor Aurel BGC and CEO of Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur, Olivier has been Senior Advisor at Priscus Finance since June 2021.

HEC Paris, ENA (81), SciencesPo Paris

Technical skills:
Corporate financing
Infrastructure financing
Private placement of bonds and bank loans
Marketing of open-ended funds (traditional asset management) and closed-ended funds (private equity, debt)
Banking steering
Market risk


François Gauthey
Partner - Priscus Finance / Managing Partner - Priscus Health and Tech
France UK
Infrastructure Transport Energy Utilities Technology start-ups Biotech and medtech start-ups
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John Paul Rohmer
Partner - Priscus Health and Tech
Europe America
Medtech Health & Care
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Michel Gonnet
Partner - Priscus Finance
Europe Africa
Distance selling Marketing Media Education Health & Care
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